Our Projects

Completed Projects

Preparation of Resource Efficiency Guides for Manufacturing Industry Sub-Sectors

The subject of this project is the preparation of sector resource efficiency guides for the implementation of the identified actions in the following sub-sectors for the


Rhodium Recovery from Rhodium Plating Baths as an Industrial Waste (Rhodium)

Today, the biggest source of rhodium waste is rhodium plating baths used in the jewelry industry. Becoming wastes after losing their plating properties, the baths have a very high economic value.


Project on the Identification of Cleaner Production Opportunities and Application (SANTEM) in the Industry

“Sanayide Temiz Üretim Olanaklarının ve Uygulanabilirliğinin Belirlenmesi (SANTEM)” Projesi, Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı Çevre Yönetimi Genel Müdürlüğü adına TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi tarafından yürütülmüştür. Mart 2016’da başlayan proje, Aralık 2016’da tamamlanmıştır.


Potential Benefits of Resource Efficiency in Turkish Manufacturing Industry

The spread of cleaner production activities based on the principle of minimum resource consumption and waste generation should be regarded as a priority target to ensure efficient use of our national resources, enhance the manufacturing industry's competitiveness and, therefore, reduce environmental impacts.
